Select the best analogy.
domus : domicile ::
A. genus : genocide
B. pater : pacific
C. familia : feminism x
D. vestes : virile
(x means I eliminated it. .-.)

Respuesta :

Since 'domus' in Latin means 'house/home', and 'domicile' is the country a person considers his home, we need to find an analogy with two things that are connected in the same manner, words which are derived from Latin. So, the correct answer is A) genus : genocide, because 'genus' means 'species/race', whereas 'genocide' is killing of a certain group of people.
B isn't correct because 'pacific' is derived from 'pax', which means 'peace', and not from 'pater', which means 'father'.
C isn't correct because 'feminism' is derived from French 'feminisme', and not from 'familia', which means 'family'.
And D is also incorrect because 'virile', meaning 'manly' is derived from Latin 'vir', meaning 'man', and not from 'vestes' meaning 'clothes'.