Complete the following calculations in your workbook.
What mechanical advantage does a hydraulic press have when punching
holes in a metal sheet with a force of 800 N using only 200 N? Provide your
answer as a ratio.
06 2. A hydraulic press has an input piston radius of 0,5 mm. It is linked to
an output piston that is three times that size. What mechanical advantage
does this press have?
3. A hydraulic lift has a mechanical advantage of 5. If the load weighs 350 N,
what effort is required to lift the weight? Provide your answer in newtons. (4)
4. Your deodorant sprays with a force of 15 N. What mechanical advantage is
achieved if your finger presses the deodorant nozzle with a force of 60 N?
Explain your answer.
[TOTAL: 20