Imagine you want to learn more about Mike Smith’s osteosarcoma. How could you use microarray technology to determine which genes have been affected in his tumor cells? What does it tell us if two genes show the same levels of expression in cancer cells and normal cells? What does it tell us if there are some genes that are highly expressed in normal cells but not expressed in cancer cells? What can a DNA microarray teach us about oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes? Use the information you learned from the DNA microarray to write an argument to convince smokers to stop smoking. Be sure to reference any differences you saw in gene expression in smokers and nonsmokers studied in the experiment.

Respuesta :

DNA microarray technique


  • DNA microarrays exploit the capacity of correlative strands of nucleic acids to base-pair with one another and bind. For instance, ATATGCGC will tie to its supplement (TATACGCG) with a specific liking.
  • This strategy was first utilized by Sol Spiegelman to quantify the homology (closeness) of two different nucleic acids; Spiegelman called the technique "hybridization" of nucleic acids. Afterward, the designers of the DNA microarray specked a variety of DNA duplicates (cDNAs) relating to an enormous number of various mRNAs of known succession onto a glass slide. Since this exhibit was so minor, it was named a microarray  
  • We could utilize the microarray technology to see which genes his malignant growth cells have expanded, reduced, turned on, or killed.  
  • DNA microarrays can show us what befalls the oncogenes and tumor silencer genes to cause cancer in cells.