
Which of the following statements best represents a nativist attitude toward the influx of immigrants around 1900?
(A) Slavs and Italians will be assimilated as easily into the American way of life as were earlier immigrant groups.
(B) Ellis Island should be enlarged to accommodate the huge influx of immigrants.
(C) Immigrants will work for low wages and break strikes, thereby hurting all American workers.
(D) Native-born Americans should organize to help find jobs and homes for new immigrants so that they can become citizens as quickly as possible.
(E) Political machines in the large cities should be responsible for providing immigrants with food, shelter, and jobs in return for their votes.

Respuesta :

The nativist political perspective is one in which individuals or groups do not support immigration or seek a higher status for groups or peoples who have lived in a place for longer than the new immigrant groups. Therefore, nativists would fear an influx of immigrants and the answer would be (C) Immigrants will work for low wages and break strikes, thereby hurting all American workers.