Which challenges did newly independent countries face? Check all that apply.

1.little industrialization
2.lack of national identity
3.cash crop economies
4.ethnic and religious differences
5.little investment in education
6aggressive industrialization
7.economic inequality

Respuesta :


1. little industrialization

2. lack of national identity

5. little investment in education

6 aggressive industrialization

7. economic inequality


Newly independent countries need to face various problems in order for the nation to be established in a strong and sovereign way, among these problems the largest of them is the lack of money lack of money to strengthen the country's economy,  this problem is caused by the little industrialization that these countries have at the time of their independence. The little industrialization causes another problem that is the aggressive industrialization with the objective of generating money for the economy of the country. The problem with aggressive industrialization is that it can cause many environmental problems and poor and exploitative working conditions for workers.

Another problem caused by the lack of money is the low investment in education, it generates people without quality academic training having to take underemployment of lower wages which generates economic inequality.

Last but not least, these countries have to face the lack of national identity. National identity is a concept that indicates the social condition and the feeling of belonging to a particular culture. Colonized countries are heavily influenced by the culture of the colonizing country and end up not building their own culture.

The challenges which newly independent countries face, it includes, little industrialization, lack of national identity, little investment in education, aggressive industrialization, economic inequality.

Challenges of independent countries:

1. Industrialization:

Industrialization is the process in which an economy is transformed from a essentially from agriculture to manufacturing of goods.


Individual manual labor is often replaced by mechanized mass production, and craftsmen are replaced by assembly lines.

Therefore, this type of challenges faces by newly independent countries.

2. Lack of national identity:

national identity is the identity of a person belonging to a particular nation. This identifies a person for their locality or residential ship.

Therefore, lack of national identity may increases many challenges to newly independent countries.

3.Little investment in education:

Education investments can take many forms and includes the management and establishment of schools as a business venture.

Hence, little investments in education is also a big challenge to a country which is newly independent.

4.Aggressive industrialization:

Aggressive industrialization is a condition where there are not any transformation to the products .

Therefore, for newly independent countries it is important to avoid aggressive industrialization.

5.Economic inequality:

It means there is unequal distribution of income, training skills, etc. and there makes the comparison between peoples on taking of some base of inequality.

Hence, economic inequality also leads to make challenges to newly independent countries.

Therefore, there are 5 major challenges such as little industrialization, lack of national identity, little investment in education, aggressive industrialization, economic inequality which faces to the newly independent countries.

Learn more about independent countries refer:
