The endocrine system creates and releases hormones that transport to various parts of the body to control the body's reactions to things like stress, pain, growth and nutrient intake. These hormones can be thought of as messengers that give directions to different parts of the body, allowing the body to react to changes and maintain homeostasis.
The endocrine system is made up of the many glands in the body. These include the thyroid and parathyroid glands, the pituitary gland, the pancreas, adrenal glands and testicles in men and ovaries in women. The glands synthesize and send out hormones, and each hormone targets a specific organ or type of tissue.When glands create hormones, they get transported through either the bloodstream or the lymph. Hormones help the body to act or react to any threat to homeostasis. Hormones aid throughout reproduction and birth. They help people sleep and wake up. The adrenal glands give off adrenaline to help a person perform in potential danger, and they release dopamine linked with the body's reward system. In general, the endocrine system plays a major role in helping the body maintain homeostasis because it gives off the messengers to help the body to react to any threats to homeostasis.