What is the value of r^2 for the following data to three decimal places

Step-by-step explanation:
Given that x and y are two variables as listed below
We have to find r^2 the coefficient of determination
x y xy x^2 y^2
1 2 2 1 4
2 4 8 4 16
5 7 35 25 49
7 10 70 49 100
10 20 200 100 400
25 33 315 179 569
Mean x = 5: Var X= 35.8-25 =10.8: std devX =3.286
Mean Y = 6.6 Var Y=113.8-43.56=70.24L std dev Y = 8.381
Cov (XY) = 63-5(6,6) = 27
r = cov/S_x S_y
r^2 =0.9612