
Scientific investigations often lead to the formulation of new scientific questions. The observations Charles Darwin made during his time aboard the H.M.S. Beagle prompted him to ask which question?

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Whether the similarities that he was seeing bewteen extinct fossils and living animals, as well as the small differences in structure and behaviour seen in finches and tortoises on the Galapagos islands, was due to the process of natural selection. This is where a genetic variation/mutation in an animal proves beneficial to the species in their environment, while the other members of the same species with the mutation die out, as they do not have the same abilities as the mutated individuals.


Darwin's observations led him to wonder: How do species originate?


Darwin observed morphological traits and geographic distribution of many species as well as many fossils. From these observations  the question: How do species originate?, arose. Darwin concludes that similar species must originate from a recent common ancestor with similar traits to all their descendants. This is the basis of the theory of evolution.