What was the real purpose of president franklin delano roosevelt's court-packing plan? the opportunity to appoint as many as six new justices that would give the court a majority of justices who would consistently run congressional actions unconstitutional implementing mandatory retirement ages for judges so that roosevelt could appoint new judges who would be sympathetic to his new deal programs the opportunity to appoint as many as six new justices that would give the court a majority of justices who would be sympathetic to the united states fighting in europe the opportunity to appoint as many as six new justices that would give the court a majority of justices sympathetic to his new deal programs?

Respuesta :

The correct answer here would be without a doubt the last option.

The Supreme Court kept denying Roosevelt parts of his New Deal program and thus he sought to pack the court with up to six judges so that his New Deal programs could actually become a reality. This failed though and Roosevelt in turn lost much of the political favor he had.