19. Compare and contrast the ways these other worlds impact the real world for the characters. "Nethergrave" and "A Sound of Thunder"

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"Nethergrave" and "A Sound of Thunder" are both science fiction stories. These stories also both use technology to portray the science fiction. The story "A Sound of Thunder" shows how a small act or behaviour can have a major impact of future generations. The main character in the story "A Sound of Thunder" enters a time machine that takes him back thousands of years. When he has finished travelling and returns to real life, he is astounded at how resilient he is and how little impact his experience had on him. In the story "Nethergrave", the main character enters a 3D vortex via a computer. He feels bullied and misunderstood in the real world. He enters the virtual world because he can choose his persona. The end result is that he commits suicide when he returns to the real world.