Suppose the supreme court declares that congress and the president cannot authorize the indefinite detention of terrorist suspects without a trial of some sort, whether military or civilian. suppose also that the people of the united states favor such indefinite detention and that congress wants to pass a law rebuking the court's decision. what kind of law would have to be passed, by what institutions, and by what voting percentages?

Respuesta :

President of the country and the congress possess some unique right and they were elected by the people who use their basic right of voting. Balancing of that power and rights will be done through distribution of it among various authorities like state and federal government. So the party wants to censure the judgment or decision of court, an amendment with rectification should be made by them under article V with 2/3 of votes from the both houses. And now for the bill to pass it need a 2/3 vote from the party and 3/4 of states.