The following question refers to the Works Cited page:
Which of the following is not a guideline of formatting a Works Cited page using MLA style?

The Works Cited page is double-spaced.

The Works Cited page begins on a separate page from the rest of your essay.

Any source you read, skimmed, or even considered while you were researching, regardless of whether you used it in the final paper or not, is listed in the Works Cited page.

Sources are listed in alphabetical order.
The following question refers to the Works Cited Page:
You do not need to create a citation for an entire anthology, but instead, you create a citation for the essay that you used in the paper.


The following question refers to the Works Cited page:
Which of the following is the proper way to cite a page from a scholarly journal?

Last name, first name. “Title of the article.” Title of the larger work. Volume, Issue, Year, Publisher, Publisher Date, Location, Page numbers.

Last name, first name. Title of the book. City of publication: Publisher, Year of Publication. Medium of publication.

Last name, first name. “Title of the article.” Title of the larger work. Day Month and Year of Publication: Page numbers. Medium of publication.

Last name, first name. “Title of the page/article.” Name of the site. Publisher information. The date of the posting or last revision of the site. Medium of Publication. Date you accessed the site. .

Respuesta :

1: Any source you read, skimmed, or even considered while you were researching, regardless of whether you used it in the final paper or not, is listed in the Works Cited page.

2. False

Last name, first name. “Title of the article.” Title of the larger work. Volume, Issue, Year, Publisher, Publisher Date, Location, Page numbers.


i know im late but for anyone else who may need it for the last question the correct answer for me was

Last name, first name. “Title of the page/article.” Name of the site, Publisher information, The date of the posting or last revision of the site, URL. Date you accessed the site.