1.Heracleides’ theory had little impact in antiquity except perhaps on _________________________ (3rd century BCE), 2.The ____________________ ordinarily thought of as consisting of broad areas: astronomy, physics, chemistry, and the Earth sciences
3.________________is concerned with the structure and behavior of individual atoms and their components,
4-5. Chemists tend to be more interested in the specific properties of different _____________and
__________________ whereas physicists are concerned with general properties shared by all matter.
6. Astronomy is the science of the entire _______________beyond Earth.
7-8. Until the 18th century, __________________ were concerned primarily with the Sun, Moon, planets, and
9. ______________________, the science of the motion of planets and other solid objects within the solar
10. The _________________ (5th century BCE) were responsible for one of the first Greek astronomical
11. _________________________, which was neither a very well-developed nor an influential study, was
largely concerned with time reckoning.
12. the Babylonians were interested in the accurate prediction of astronomical phenomena, especially the first
appearance of the _________________.
13. Using the zodiac as a reference, by the _________________ BCE, they developed a complex system of
arithmetic progressions .
14. ______________ (flourished 130 BCE) made extensive contributions to both theoretical and observational
15. In _____________________________ of the universe, the Sun, the Moon, and each planet orbit a
stationary Earth.
16. The lightest elements (hydrogen, helium, deuterium, lithium) were produced in the
17. The ____________________ in stars converts hydrogen into helium in all stars.
18. According to ____________________, the temperatures in the early universe were so high that fusion
reactions could take place.
19. ___________________can base their calculations on solid experimental data when they want to describe
reactions like the one pictured here:
20. The Big Bang Nucleosynthesis strongly favors the very light elements like hydrogen and
21. The main alternative to the Big Bang theory of the Universe is called the
22. ____________________ think that the Universe started with the Big Bang. As with all science, this is
based on evidence;
23. The ______________ of distant galaxies means that the Universe is probably expanding.
24. The _______________________________ which has been accurately measured by orbiting detectors,
25. According to the standard theory, our universe sprang into existence as “singularity” around