Fill in the blanks about the Battle of Philippi

• The Battle of Philippi started after the assassination of _________________. • The Battle of Philippi took place in the year ____________. • Cassius built a ___________ to stop Antony from breaking Cassius’s and Brutus’s armies apart. • Cassius killed himself because _________________. • Brutus defeated ____________’s army. • There were ______ different battles at the Battle of Philippi. • The entire Battle of Philippi lasted for ___________.

Respuesta :

The Battle of Philippi started after the assassination of *Caesar*.

The Battle of Philippi took place in the year *October 3 and 23, 42 BC*.

Cassius built *transverse dam* to stop Antony from breaking Cassius’s and Brutus’s armies apart. 

Cassius killed himself because *he lost the battle*.

Brutus defeated *Cassius*’s army.

There were *two* different battles at the Battle of Philippi.

The entire Battle of Philippi lasted for *about two weeks*.