Respuesta :

Science is the process of making models about the world around us. Scientists observe and interpret data they have collected.

When a scientist makes an observation they will ask themselves a question and then form a hypothesis. The scientist will then make an experiment.

If the experiment confirms their hypothesis, the hypothesis is accepted. But if the experiment shows that the hypothesis is wrong, they will then reject the hypothesis.

Usually the scientist and other scientists will test out the experiment multiple times to make sure the first time wasn't a fluke. They might also change some control variables.

And how is inquiry at the heart of science?

We humans are very curious about our surroundings. We want to know how things work. We want to know why they do those things. We want to understand how the universe works.

Scientists everyday are looking for more answers about the world around us.

I hope this helps you! If you didn't find this answer good enough, just drop me a DM explaining what you think is confusing or wrong.