Ohhh boy this is going to take a while.
Cyrus McCormick-An american inventor who invented the McCormick Harvester (improved harvesting of crops)
Macon B Allen-First African American to be able to practice law and be in a judicial position
Peter Cooper- A prominent inventor and manufacturer.
Harriet Tubman-A famous abolitionist and led many slaves to Canada
Elias Howe-Sewing entrepreneur and pioneer
Nat Turner-Led a rebellion of slaves in Southampton County, VA
Joshua Deere-Cant find the results but im guessing started or helped found or evolve the Deere Company.
Samuel Morse-Created Morse Code
Eli Whitney-Made the Cotton Gin
Sarah Bagley- Social Reformer for labor
Lowell Mills-Cradle to the American Industrialization
Tom Thumb-Improved Locomotive Peter Cooper created
Trade Unions-Bargains with employers on behalf of the union members
Strikes-Where a group of employees dont show up to work and usually riot to display unfair conditions (wage, hours, unhealthy/ hazardous conditions)
Industrialization-The promotion and increase in industry and mass manufacturing
Clipper ships- Faster merchant ships that carry cargo aboard
SS Central America Steamer-Passenger steamer that carried 15 U.S. Tons of Gold on its last voyage when it sunk during a hurricane, which the golds loss helped with the panic of 1857
The Great Train Wreck of 1856-Tragedy when 2 trains in a head on collision killed 57-67 people & injuring 100+ in Pennsylvania
Discrimination-You should know that definition, it is commonplace in the media :P
Prejudice-A bias of an individual, usually not in someone/things favor
Immigrants-individuals who move into a nation from another one
Nativists-Individuals who believe they are native north american and limit social and political liberties of immigrants
Know nothing party-Opposed immigrants and Catholics and attempted to stop the influx and liberties of provided groups.
Slavery-again anyone should know this by 2nd grade at the latest
Spirituals-song and culture of black Christians of the south U.S.
Literacy-ability to read and write
Underground railroad-The system of individuals who help free slaves by aiding them to their way north.