
Colonel Bogey March (listen 0:00-1:54) Current time01:55Seek 02:50Duration04:49 Play Audio by James Brigham, distributed under a CC BY-SA 4. 0 license. Listen to the song, and identify the times that the section changes. You will notice that a section changes when the "sound" changes from loud to soft, heavy to light, major to minor, or just has a different feeling. Indicate where the sections change by writing down the time stamp; for example: 1:30 means one minute and thirty seconds into the song. Notate at least three different sections. Once you have written down all of the section changes you hear, make a guess at the form of the piece. You may choose between AB, ABA, or rondo. There are several answers that are correct, so use your ears to the best of your ability and make your best guess. Student may hear the example three times