Historically, many theories of development have pitted biology, or nature, against environment, or nurture. For example, attempts to explain the ease with which babies acquire language focused either on the ways in which parents teach language to their children or on the emergence of the infant's innate language abilities.

On the nurture side B.F. Skinner, the behaviorist, believed that language development could be explained entirely by principles of learning, including imitation, reinforcement, and modeling. Arguing for the nature position, linguist Noam Chomsky maintained that language is far to complex to be mastered so early and so easily through learning alone. Instead, Chomsky maintained that our language capacity is inborn.

In this exercise, review the following examples of language use and decide whether each provides evidence of the impact of nature, nurture, or the interaction of nature and nurture in language development. EXPLAIN your reasoning.

1. Whenever 8-month old Juwan wants his mother, he calls out "mama" and she comes running. Consequently, Juwan utters "mama" much more frequently now than he did at 7 months of age. Position supported:

2. Even in her very first sentences, it is obvious that 21-month old Melissa has figured out the basics of subject-predicate word order. Seeing her mother returning from work, for example, she says "Mommy home" rather than "Home Mommy". Position supported:

3. Seven month old Tara, who is deaf, has begun to babble manually at about the same time hearing infants begin babbling orally. Position supported:

4. When Michelle was an infant, she was able to perceive differences among the spoken sounds of many languages. As she grew, her preference for hearing her native language actually influenced the development of her brain. Now a teenager, Michelle can no longer perceive certain speech sounds from languages other than her own. Position supported:

Historically many theories of development have pitted biology or nature against environment or nurture For example attempts to explain the ease with which babie class=