Before connecting the catheter, the nurse should know how far to insert the catheter before beginning suctioning. Nurses should add ¼ inch to the length of the trach tube to determine how far to insert the catheter. Holding the catheter at the suction depth, attach the suction machine tubing and the catheter and turn on the machine.
Endotracheal tube an airway catheter inserted in the trachea during endotracheal intubation to assure patency of the upper airway by allowing for removal of secretions and maintenance of an adequate air passage. Endotracheal intubation may be accomplished through the mouth using an orotracheal tube, or through the nose using a nasotracheal tube. The curve should make the use of a stylet unnecessary in most patients. Endotracheal tube are still considered the 'gold standard' devices for securing and protecting the airway. Airway 'protection' refers to preventing the lower airway, i.e., trachea, bronchial tree and lung, from aspiration.
Learn more about endotracheal here