n the lesson “Writing Personal Narratives,” you were presented with the following writing prompts:

a personal achievement that you are proud of
a place that has defined who you are written as “area” in onliness courseware
a role model whom you look up to
a thing that you are afraid of
a thing that motivates you
You were asked to select one of these prompts and write a personal narrative essay. If you have not completed the lesson, you can write a speech using one of the given prompts now.

Writing a speech is similar to writing an essay, but a speech is written to be presented and heard. The information presented in a speech should be more straightforward than what is found in an essay. This helps the audience better understand the writer’s point because it will be clearly stated. The speech should be presented in a span of five minutes or less. You can use the following structure to write your speech. The structure is similar to the one used for writing a personal narrative essay.


The introduction provides the reader with information about what the writer will be detailing in the speech.
The introduction has a hook that grabs the attention of the reader.
The introduction presents the characters, setting, and plot to the reader.
The introduction should contain a thesis statement that will note a clear purpose or message.

The body contains information that supports the writer's thesis statement. The number of paragraphs can vary, depending on the speech.
The body can be written in chronological order. Use transition words and phrases to help move the speech.
The body should include elements of plot.
The body should maintain one point of view throughout the speech.
The body can contain descriptions, dialogue, and actions. Be sure to show the reader what happened rather than tell the reader what happened.
Make sure that the information is well organized and to the point. Be sure to explain each point clearly.

The conclusion helps bring the essay to the close.
The conclusion should remind the audience of the purpose of the speech. It should also provide information about what the writer learned from the experience and how it affected the writer.
Write your speech in the space provided.