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The worldviews of Europeans and Native Americans differ regarding issues as religion, gender roles, family, land use, and power in terms of presence of spiritual elements and predominance of nature in Native cultures.

Europeans and Native Americans came from starkly different cultural, economic, and social traditions during the early days of settler colonialism. Therefore, there was great divergence in worldviews with respect to many important aspects of life.

Europeans came mainly from a monotheistic background, recognising the Christian God as the only God. Natives believed in the presence of spirits and the Great Creator which they worshiped. Europeans mainly confined their wives at home, while women in Native society had greater freedoms.

Europeans saw land as property to be owned, while Natives saw it as belonging to nature and themselves as its caretakers. Power for Europeans meant guns and conquest, while Natives saw it as encompassing a range of physical, spiritual, and moral capacities.

To learn more about Native American worldview: