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Ballet is the name of one dance technique. Dance works choreographed using this technique are called ballet, and include: the dance itself, mime, acting and music (both orchestral music or singing). Ballet can be performed alone or as part of an opera. Ballet is famous for its virtuosity techniques such as point work, grand pas de deux, and lifting legs up high. Many ballet techniques are similar to the fencing technique, perhaps because they both began to develop in the same period, and also because they both require similar balance and movement techniques.
The term ballo was first used by Domenico da Piacenza (in De Arte Saltandi et Choreas Ducendi), so that his work was known as balleti or balli which later became ballet. The term ballet itself was coined by Balthasar de Beaujoyeulx in the Ballet Comique de la Royne (1581) which is a ballet comique (ballet drama). In the same year, Fabritio Caroso published Il Ballarino, a technical guide on ballet dancing, which made Italy a major center for ballet dance development.
Ballet has its roots in the meeting of Italian nobles in the enlightenment. Furthermore, ballet was developed in ballet de cour, which is a social dance performed with music, speeches, poetry, singing, decoration, and costumes by French nobles. Ballet then developed as a separate art form in France during the reign of king Louise XIV who loved dance and was determined to advance the quality of dance at that time. The king founded the Académie Royale de Danse in 1661, and in the same year, a comedy ballet by Jean-Baptist Lully was performed. The initial form of ballet was in the form of a stage art where the scenes were in the form of dance. Lully then studied opera ballet and founded a school to educate professional ballet dancers associated with the Académie Royale de Musique. At the school, the education system was based on noble manners.
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Ballet :
Class: high school
Subject: arts
Keywords : Ballet,dance, technique, choreographed