Decantation is the process of preparing embryos for the future. They receive vaccinations and immunizations against all diseases, and each embryo's caste is determined by the addition or exclusion of chemicals. Individuals are perfectly equipped for their state-determined fate once they have been decanted.
In Brave New World, artificial reproduction is used to build a "perfect" society. In a facility called "The Central London Hatching and Conditioning Center," babies are born in bottles. Once "hatched," the kids are brainwashed to accept certain moral principles that the book refers to as "hypnopedia."
The notion that society's well-being comes before an individual's is also instilled in the minds of the young. The youngsters are also told that they were made to accomplish their task and that there would be consequences if they did not do it, which goes along with this idea. Each child is placed into a specific container in order to have even more control over the children being created in the bottle. Each faction has a function within the civilization and is unable to deviate from that function.
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