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List of important events in American History:

1820 – Missouri Compromise

1820 – Maine becomes a state

1820 – U.S. presidential election, James Monroe re-elected president, Daniel D. Tompkins vice-president.

1821 – Missouri becomes a state.

1823 – Monroe Doctrine proclaimed.

1825 – John Quincy Adams elected president by The House of Representatives; John C. Calhoun becomes vice-president

1825 – Erie Canal completed

1826 – Former presidents Thomas Jefferson and John Adams die within hours of each other on Independence Day

1828 - South Carolina Exposition and Protest published during the Nullification Crisis

1828 – Baltimore and Ohio Railroad construction begun

1828 – U.S. presidential election

Write two or three sentences about each event explaining why this event is important and how it affected America.

Respuesta :

I know for sure that one of the reasons the 1828 U.S. Presidential Election was so important was because unlike previous elections, in which the parties congressional delegations would gather to chose a candidate, this election was the first in which a majority of states came together to certify a candidate instead.
Universidad de Mexico