
In one or two paragraphs, explain the difference between the split that caused Judaism and Christianity to become separate religions and the split that caused Protestantism and Catholicism to become separate denominations. Support your answer with examples.

p l z do not give a essay or something that is very long just stick with the quation p l z

Respuesta :

Christianity and Judaism, two of the world’s major religions, shared the same foundation—ancient Judaism. The two religions, however, eventually split in a series of partings, becoming two separate entities. There is one painting that dramatically illustrates the split of early Christianity and Judaism: Robert Campin’s Marriage of the v1rg!n. In his article “Parsing ‘The Parting. The split of early Christianity and Judaism took place during the first centuries AD.It is commonly attributed to a number of events, including the rejection and crucifixion of Jesus (c. 33), the Council of Jerusalem (c. 50), the destruction of the Second Temple and institution of the Jewish tax in 70, the postulated, and largely discredited, Council of Jamnia c. 90, and the Bar Kokhba revolt.


Answer: The split between Christianity and Judaism was because the Christians believed that the Jews were responsible for crucifying Jesus (Crucifixion is a method of capital punishment in which the victim is tied or nailed to a large wooden beam and left to hang until eventual death from exhaustion and asphyxiation) This caused the Christians to feel anger and hatred towards the Jews.

I'm not sure about the Protestantism and Catholicism. Hope I made it as short as possible. Have a great evening!