Underline all the verbals (infintives, gerunds, participles) and appositives in the sentences in the paragraph below. In the space above each word, identify each by writing app. for appositive, inf. for infinitive, ger. for gerund, or part. for participle

[1] Driving recklessly, the guide promised to get us to the hotel, Palm Tree Inn, by noon. [2] Mr. Santos, the hotel manager, had been firm when he warned us about arriving late for the noon meal. [3] Now, as the rattling of the car jarred the silence, I was certain we would arrive late. [4] Tired and sweaty, I longed for a bath. [5] Looking at Mom, I realized that nothing ever seemed to bother her. [6] Assured that things would turn out fine, she was always calm. [7] Hoping she was right, I closed my eyes and tried to stop the noise and the weariness. [8] It seemed to work. [9] Exhausted, I must have fallen asleep. [10] The next thing I knew, Mom was shaking me to tell me we were at the hotel and on time for lunch.


Respuesta :

Some verbals in this paragraph are:

  • Arriving
  • To get
  • Driving

And some appositives are Palm Tree Inn and the hotel manager.

What are verbals?

Verbals are words that are formed by verbs but are not necessarily a verb because they might have a different function. These are the main verbals.

Gerund: They end in -ing and work as a noun. Here are the words in the text that are classified as gerunds:

  • Arriving late.
  • The rattling.
  • Looking at Mom.

Infinitives: Combination of "to" and a verb that can work as an adjective, preposition, etc.  Here are the words in the text that are classified as infinitives:

  • To get us.
  • To bother her.
  • To tell me.

Participles: Words that end in -ing or -ed and work as adjectives. Here are the words in the text that are classified as gerunds:

  • Driving recklessly.
  • Assured that things would turn out fine
  • Hoping she was right.

Appositives: Words that describe a noun previously mentioned.  Here are the words in the text that are classified as appositives:

  • Palm Tree Inn.
  • The hotel manager.

Learn more about verbals in: https://brainly.com/question/14289341

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Universidad de Mexico