1. My teacher advised me to focus more on my school work and less on video games,
because they used a lot of the classroom skills to be successful in the workforce.
1. Ethos
2. Logos
3. Pathos
2. My parent told me they were excited with the progress I have made in my English course
and wish I would apply the same effort to my other classes.
1. Logos
2. Pathos
3. Ethos
3. NWC is very diverse and the population of teachers have become more diverse as well.
We have more male teachers, more minority teachers, and a larger range of personalities.
1. Ethos
2. Pathos
3. Logos
4. Mess is better than Ronaldo because he is faster and more agile. Messi can change
direction with his dribbling easier because of his agility and body type.
1. Pathos
2. Logos
3. Ethos