The correct matches are:
- contraction e. muscle tissue
- covering epithelia h. epidermis
- glandular epitelia g. exocrine
- microvilli b. absorption
- cilia a. trachea
- fibroblasts c. fixed cells
- mast cells f. wandering cells
- synovial membrane d. incomplete cell layer
- elastic ligaments m. interconnects vertebrae
- muscle tissue p. satellite cells, voluntary
- skeletal muscle tissue k. movement
- synapse i. neuroeffector junction
- neuron j. dendrites
- histamine n. dilation
- fibrin o. clot
- necrosis l. tissue destruction
The terms in each column correspond to small structures in our body. Let's see what each of these terms means.
What do the terms mean?
- Contraction: it corresponds with muscle tissue because this tissue is the one that contracts and produces movement.
- Covering epithelia matches the epidermis since it is the external layer of skin that covers our body protecting it.
- Glandular epithelia go with exocrine since exocrine glands are a type of structure that secretes fluids to the exterior.
- Microvilli correspond with absorption. The microvillus is a structure present in some tissues that help in the absorption of fluids that the cell needs. One of the places where they are is in the intestine.
- Cilia is one of the elements present in the trachea, and it protects against foreign elements swiping them.
- Fibroblasts are present in the connective tissue giving structural support and helping in the repair of damaged tissue.
- Mast cells are wandering cells that protect us against antigens. They are part of the immune system.
- Synovial membrane: it is an incomplete cell layer present in joints.
- Elastic ligaments interconects intervertebraes. In other words, they connect the bones and form the joints.
- Muscle tissue corresponds with satellite cells, voluntary. The satellite cells regenerate the muscle tissue, and they will develop into skeletal cells.
- Skeletal muscle tissue corresponds with movement. It is the muscle that attaches to our bones and makes them move.
- Synapse: it happens in the neuroeffector junction, a place between the neuron and the skeletal muscle.
- Neuron: one of the components of the neurons is the dendrites. They receive the signals.
- Histamine: produces the dilation of vessels when there is an injury.
- Fibrin: is one of the elements that form a blood clot.
- Necrosis is tissue destruction.
Learn more about these terms here: