Five minutes after being born, a newborn is pale; has irregular, slow respirations; has a heart rate of 120 beats/min; displays minimal flexion of the extremities; and has minimal reflex responses. What is this newborn's Apgar score?

Respuesta :




The Apgar ( Appearance, Pulse, Grimace, Activity, Respiration) score is a test used to evaluate new born babies. There are five simple evaluating criteria on the scale from zero to two, and the final result is the summing up the scores of the five criteria.

The five criteria are: skin color, pulse rate, reflex irritability grimace, muscle tone and respiratory effort.

The baby would receive 1 point in each of the five categories. Thus the final score would be 5. O points are given when the baby does not comply with any of the criteria and 2 points are given for perfect compliance.