Respuesta :
definitely one lesson can is taking mental health more seriously. there has been a rise in mental health problems according to recent studies, and this started even before the pandemic. however, with isolation and losing a loved caused more damage.
To thank those who continued to work while we were confined, in hospitals, in fishing, in agriculture, in the maintenance of technological networks, in the distribution and sale of food, firefighters, the army, security forces, the media, etc.
Yes, to learn from our vulnerability, from our helplessness and at the same time from our capacity to face what we had never foreseen, to imagine, to create, to look for solutions.
Acknowledgment to the scientists around the world who have continued their research, through trial and error, and have achieved vaccines for this pandemic, which is not the first and will not be the last.
Alertness before a world that mistreats its nature and generates very serious problems not only for this generation, but also for those that will follow.
Ethics, to ask ourselves what happened in the residences. How should the order of vaccines be distributed, and so many debates and dilemmas that have struck us.
Updating with new technologies to maintain relationships with other people, and to continue studying from school even if not in person.
Applause to teachers who have made an effort to transmit knowledge, affection, tenderness and security.
The pandemic, the confinement, has shaken us, and has immersed us in great anxiety, has left us somewhat naked before our limitations, both individual and social structure, referring to institutional and support organizations. But it has also allowed us to see the work of the World Health Organization, to check international cooperation, to evaluate the support of central banks....
We have many challenges, for example, to see how and when vaccines reach the so-called Third World. And among the many lessons we have learned, there is the proof that when we humans protected ourselves in our homes, the world continued to turn, the sea was in its place, the animals returned to their natural space.
Some of us have lost loved ones, and we have experientially proven the importance of proximity, affection, affection, contact, skin to skin. It was known, but now it is confirmed, the capacity of the human being to adapt, we are very flexible.
We have come this far evolutionarily, not because we are a very strong species, but because we are social, cooperative, supportive and adaptable. This unintended situation should make us mature as people and as a species. It was after World War II that the Declaration of Human Rights was made. We are sure, all of us who are dedicated to Education, that we will know how to transmit relevant aspects that the pandemic teaches us, also in the inner journey, in the spiritual journey, in the right or wrong questions to the universe, to the so-called God.
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