You are a famous neurosurgeon. Your daily 7 mile run is interrupted when you are abruptly stopped by 3 FBI agents who require your assistance. They take you to an underground bunker, just mikes away, and display an alien. They have dissected the aliens brain and found the alien has a hypothalamus, amygdala, hippocampus, and cerebellum. Since the alien is not alive, what can you tell them about the alien and possible behaviors when it was alive?

Respuesta :


hypothalamus → The alien could sleep, its body could carry out homeostasis.

amygdala → The alien could respond to any emotion or stimuli, it could cry, feel happy, feel distressed, it could fear anything dangerous.

hippocampus → The alien could recall anything taught or told to it, it could work as a witness at any crime scene.

cerebellum → The alien could speak after thinking, the alien could walk properly

All in all, the alien could live a human life.
