PLEASE HELP Romeo and Juliet Act II: Close Reading Activity
Directions: Using the words in the word bank below, fill-in-the-blank to summarize Act II of Shakespeare’s play. Words that are used more than once will appear more than once below.
afternoon agrees balcony before Benvolio Capulet
duel ends feud Friar’s heart impatient
inconstant ladder marriage married Mercutio moderately
Montague moon morning night Nurse Romeo
sun swears three Tybalt violent church

Romeo insists that he cannot leave because his __________ stays with Juliet. Benvolio and Mercutio are looking for _________, but they cannot find him. _________ insists that Romeo jumped over the orchard wall. They leave and go home. Romeo sees Juliet standing on the __________. He compares her beauty to the ________. He hears Juliet call out his name, and he wishes that he was no longer a ___________. He finally reveals to Juliet that he is in the __________ orchard, and they exchange vows of love. Romeo _________ his love on the ___________, but Juliet says not to because it is __________. They decide to be ___________ secretly. After leaving the orchard, Romeo goes to see Friar Lawrence to see if he will marry Romeo and Juliet. The Friar ________ because he thinks it will end the _________. In the _______, Juliet sends the _________ to hear word from Romeo. Before she finds Romeo, Benvolio and ________ discuss a letter sent by ________. They believe the letter challenges Romeo to a _________. The Nurse finds Romeo to learn about the _________ arrangements. Romeo tells the Nurse to tell Juliet that she needs to find a way to go to __________ and that she will be wedded then. ________ the Nurse returns home, Juliet grows _________. She is upset that it has taken the Nurse __________ hours to learn about this news. Eventually the Nurse returns home and tells Juliet the news. She tells Juliet that she needs to go to the _______ cell. Meanwhile, the Nurse says that she will fetch a ________ so that Romeo can visit Juliet later that ________. That same __________, Romeo and Juliet are married by Friar Lawrence. Before they exchange vows, he warns Romeo that these ________ delights have violent _________. He also advises Romeo and Juliet to love __________.