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Both edema and an abscess are hemodynamic disarranges. Really, in light of the fact that they are manifestations as opposed to genuine disesases, the pathology individuals out there get a kick out of the chance to call them 'hematologic drangements,' however that is semantic. 
The single showing contrast between them is the size of the condition: edema is worldwide and influences a whole tissue or the whole body, where as an absess is a little, neighborhood, and in some cases exemplified purpose of liquid aggregation. They result from various jolts: frequently edema is an indication of methodical ailment though abscess are foci of nearby contamination or pathlogic forms.
both edema and abscess are hemodynamic disorders, Actually because they're a symptoms rather than an actual diseases.
The pathology people out there like to call them hematologic disarrangement, but that is semantic