In 4-5 sentences in Spanish, describe a few of your family members.
You will be graded on (a) pronunciation, (b) vocabulary usage, (c) correct grammar, and (d) overall quality of the response.

I have 1 chihuahua named tatti, 2 cousins, (Younger is girl) (older is boy)
You can make the rest up, ITS A RECORDED RESPONSE (No translators please! i need a genuine speaker)

Respuesta :


Yo tengo una familia muy grande comparada a otras familias. Mi familia es de cinco personas en total. Primero un perro de la raza chihuahua llamada Tati. TambiƩn tengo una prima menor que yo y tambien tengo un primo mayor que yo por unos siste anos. Los ultimos tres de la familia consisten de yo y mis padres. Explanation:

I hope that this helped?

Also, if you give brainliest it would greatly be appricated.

Also, if this is a recorded response, I would recommend you first finding out how to prounuce these words. SInce, it one of the ways you are going to graded.


Genuine Speaker

4 years of Spanish

4 years of French

Speak it all the time

I have never really struggle in spanish