Multi-Level-Marketing is a quickly growing industry in the United States. Many men and women are deciding to work from home, selling various goods to their friends and family due to the convenience and possible salary that can be made. Multi-Level-Marketing consists of a hierarchy of workers and customers and is sometimes referred to as a pyramid scheme

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Multilevel marketing is a strategy that consists of creating a hierarchy of workers for product distribution, being very common companies of beauty products, essential oils, and other products that are easy to sell. The strategy works like this: the distributors buy the products of the companies to sell to the final customer, and thus they receive a percentage for the sale of the products. But there is a criticism about this strategy, which can be a pyramid scheme, when there is a greater intention of the company to recruit new distributors than to actually sell its products, because in a pyramid scheme the intention is always to profit to benefit those who are on the top. Generally, companies that operate in an illegal pyramid scheme have strong marketing aimed at recruiting people to purchase products for sale with promises of quick enrichment.

Universidad de Mexico