the conflict that lead to the declaration of independence took many years to develop. Write a brief summary of the events leading up to the Declaration that explains the basic views of the british and of the colonies.

Respuesta :

Firstly, the declaration of indepence had resulted from numerous conflicts between the American colonies and England when the colonies attempted to gain their independence from England's monocrial government system. Events that lead to the enactment of this document include the Boston massacre, the stamp act, the act of British soliders being able to raise taxes on colonies, trying to regulate their international trade policies and deciding who would regulate their colonial governments. Because a majority of colonists envisioned a country that would allow them to make more decision in how their government functions, many had rebelled forming groups such as the sons and daughter of liberty and participated in rebellions such as the Boston Tea party. These rising tensions between the two areas thereby caused the revolutionary war (which Americans had won with the assistance of France). Which eventually lead to the declaration of indepence which was the official document that had of course proclaimed that us colonies were free from England and where therefore an independent nation.