Respuesta :
Here is the correct answer of the given question above. The pope used interdicts to achieve his goals by forcing the princes to follow his decisions, even though these decisions were never constantly successful. Innocent called for Christian crusades against Muslims in Spain and the Holy Land and against heretics in southern France (Albigensian Crusade). Hope this answer helps.
Throughout history, the Church and the Pope have used different methods in order to achieve their goals. One of them is the interdict.
Interdicts where a ban on people over certain religious rituals. So, the pope could use this threat in two main ways: to prevent and to punish.
Back in the day being interdected was a social status that put shame and social pressure upon the person or the people afflicted, so for example if the pope wanted to achieve a certain goal, he could threat whoever was in the middle of his way to interdect him/her/them.
As for the punishment, being interdect was a sufficient punishment for many people, after they had rebelled, or in some way disrespect the authority of the pope.