Review the paragraph and answer the question that follows.

[1] People say the necessities of life are food, water, shelter, and clothing, but I think a fifth item should be added to the list: Scotch tape. [2] Hardly a day passes that I do not use this sticky cellophane for some beneficial purpose. [3] When I get so excited about my world history class that I tear a page in the book, Scotch tape comes to my rescue. [4] At night when I don't feel like rolling my hair, what do I do? [5] I tape it in place, of course. [6] I may look like a twentieth-century mummy, but the purpose is accomplished. [7] Have you ever been dressed up to eat at a big, fancy restaurant? [8] Just as you get out of the car someone cheerfully announces, "Your hem is down!" [9] No need to panic; just stick it up with--you guessed it--scotch tape!

Which sentence is the topic sentence? Type the sentence number in the box.

Respuesta :

Answer: [1] People say the necessities of life are food, water, shelter, and clothing, but I think a fifth item should be added to the list: Scotch tape.


Although not always, the topic sentence is usually found in the first paragraph of a text. This text is an example of that custom. The second paragraph might seem like a valid option because it highlights the narrator's constant need for scotch tape. However, only the first sentence shows the kind of worship this person has for that item, stating that it should be considered as much of a life necessity as food, water, shelter, and clothing.