Respuesta :
Honestly, I don't know so I found two answers for you, hopefully this helps:
What you can do is skip a video if you have watched all of it EXCEPT 7 seconds. so some edge vids are like 8 sec, just wait 1 sec then skip it. for longer vids; for example a video that is 2:30, just watch 2:29 minutes and 53 seconds, and u can skip the last 7 seconds remaining.
Another one I found:
1. Start the video
2. Click the reload button. It may ask for confirmation, so just click continue
3. Click the home button until you get to the home page.
4. Click the "Next Activity" button
It may only skip the last 30 seconds of the video, not 3 minutes, but it is better than nothing.
To easily get through the "Answer in your own words" portions:
1. Check to see how long the question is. If it is 2 short sentences, I don't recommend this. If it's 3 or more, this should work.
2. Copy the question (Control + C)
3. Paste it into the answer box (Control + V)
4. Submit
It should accept it! Works every time for me as long as the question is long enough. 9/10 times it works! Good Luck!
reload the page, press confirm, and click next activity.
this only works once unfortunately :(