1.Summarize why immigration is an important issue in the United States. Include how immigrants can become citizens.
Immigration is one controversial tonic hut it is very imnortant issue to talk about. Immigration is important because in certain circumstan

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Immigration is an important issue for the United States, mainly due to the fact that America as a nation was established based on the immigration of different people from numerous nations throughout the world, first from Europe (England, Ireland, Germany, Italy, etc.), and then other nations in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Due to this situation, it is often affirmed that America is a melting pot, whose society was formed through the mixture of the cultures of all these migratory waves.

Today, immigrants form approximately 15% of the national population, and are an important part of the economy, while most of them come to the country in search of job opportunities, driving the economy of the nation.

In order to acquire American citizenship, immigrants must first be permanent residents of the nation. Then, after 5 years have passed since the residence was acquired, and provided that the person has maintained good conduct and does not have a criminal record, he or she may request to start the naturalization process, which will consist of an exam that, if approved, will grant American citizenship to the immigrant.