State whether a cumulative frequency, relative frequency, relative percent, cumulative relative frequency, or cumulative percent is most appropriate for describing the following situations. For cumulative distributions, indicate whether these should be summarized from the top down or from bottom up.
a. The frequency of business with at least 20 employees.
b. The frequency of college students with less than a 3.0 GPA.
c. The percentage of women completing 1, 2, 3, or 4 tasks simultaneously.
d. The proportion of pregnancies performed in public or private hospitals. e. The percentage of alcoholics with more than 2 years of substance abuse.

Respuesta :

Step-by-step explanation:

a. The correct answer is 1) Cumulative frequency.

b. The correct answer is 2) Relative frequency.

c. The correct answer is 4) Cumulative relative frequency.

d. The correct answer is 3) Relative percent.

e. The correct answer is 5) Cumulative percent.