Categorize each item as either an example of "formal language or "informal language.
Man, it stinks in here!
After work tonight I ate some grub and
then chilled.
Please refrain from interjecting yourself in
my affairs
Mind vour own business, Dunk!
The scent emanating from this room fails
to please my olfactory sense,
When Iarrived at my domicile this
evening,I partook of sustenance and
enjoyed some quiet time alone.

Respuesta :


Note: "F" is formal, "I" is informal, and the words in "()" are the words that explain why they are either formal/informal.

1.) Man, it stinks in here!  - I

("Man" and "stinks" are used.)

2.) After work tonight I ate some grub and  then chilled.   - I

("Grub" and "chilled are informal.)

3.) Please refrain from interjecting yourself in  my affairs  - F

("Please refrain" "interjecting" and "affairs" are more formal.)

4.) Mind your own business, Dunk!  - I

("Mind your own business" is usually used among colleagues, not in a formal setting.)

5.) The scent emanating from this room fails  to please my olfactory sense. - F

("emanation" and "olfactory sense" are formal.)

6.) When Iarrived at my domicile this  evening, I partook of sustenance and

enjoyed some quiet time alone. - F

("domicile" and "sustenance" are formal.)

Hope this helps! :D