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Cantabria has two sides of maritime coasts, and has two big rivers in valleys between mountains.

Because of it's geographic possition it should have a warm weather, physic geography feautures arround it change it's suposed to be weather.

Areas surrounded by coasts can't have temperatures too cold or too hot because the


In Cantabria, in general, we find three distinct geographical areas: La Marina, La Montaña and Campo and the southern valleys belonging to the Ebro and Duero river basins.

Cantabria has two distinct climates, the maritime climate of the west coast and the Mediterranean climate. The maritime climate of the west coast is rainy, since it is influenced by the prevailing winds from the west that bring humid air masses, whether polar or tropical. The barrier effect offered by the Cantabrian Mountains gives climate values a strong gradient between north and south. After the summit line towards the Ebro valley, the climate is drier and with greater thermal contrasts. The region is influenced by the Mediterranean climate. It should be noted that the region of La Liébana, closed between the Picos de Europa and Peña Sagra, is a climatic exception, since although it is within the maritime domain it has clearly Mediterranean features.

Cantabria has a climate of mild temperatures, with maximum temperatures not exceeding 30 ° C and average annual values below 20 ° C, with a reduced thermal amplitude (between 8 and 15 ° C). In summer there are no months of aridity and the average minimum temperatures occur in winter. There is a strong difference from the coast to the Picos de Europa and the Hornijo mountain range; It is not so strong towards the Sierra de Bárcena. The warmest temperatures occur on the coast.

From here the temperature drop due to the altitude is very fast. In the highest peaks of Picos de Europa and the Sierra de Hornijo the average annual temperatures are around 2 ° C, and even less. With these characteristics a very important difference is established between the coast, where there is no month of safe frosts, although there are two months of probable frosts, and the mountains, in which there are two, three, and up to four months of safe frosts . This implies that in the summits, good part of the precipitations is in the form of snow. Even the inner valleys have some months of cold winters. The Ebro valley has more contrasted temperatures. Summer is usually cool, and does not exceed 20 ° C but winter can become cold, with average temperatures of 5 ° C. Two months of frost are given.