
What is the difference between inflation and deflation.

A. Inflation can result from falling demand and boosts the value of money. Deflation can result from rising demand and reduces the value of money.

B. Inflation can result from rising demand and boost the value of money. Deflation can result from failing demand and reduces the value of money.

C. Inflation can result from falling demand and reduces the value of money. Deflation can result from rising demand and boost the value of money.

D. Inflation can result from rising demand and reduces the value of money. Deflation can result from falling demand and boost the value of money.

Respuesta :


D. Inflation can result from rising demand and reduces the value of money. Deflation can result from falling demand and boost the value of money.


Inflation is the general increase in prices in the economy over time. As the economy grows, prices automatically rise. There is a direct correlation between economic development and inflation. A high growth rate may result in a high inflation rate. High growth is caused by an increase in demand for goods and services.

Inflation erodes the purchasing power of money. As prices increase, it means one unit of money will purchase fewer quantities of goods and services than the previous season.

Deflation is the opposite of inflation. It means a general decline in prices in the country. Low production due to reduced demand causes prices to decline. One unit of money will purchase more quantities of goods and services as prices decline.


I believe the answer is D :)
