1. descriptions of the "status" of a word, usually in abbreviated form (archaic, obsolete, regional, nonstandard, slang) 4 etymology 2. the accepted meaning of a word 7 entry word 3. the function of the word in a sentence 1 usage 4. the "history" of a word, beginning with the earliest language to which it can be traced 2 definition 5. the word as it appears in other forms, correctly spelled 9 respelling 6. a date marking the first known appearance of the word in a written text 3 part of speech 7. the word itself as it should be spelled 6 earliest recorded use 8. words meaning the same or nearly the same thing as the entry word 5 alternate forms 9. the word as it should be pronounced 8 synonyms

Respuesta :



1. Usage.

2. Definition.

3. Part of speech.

4. Etymology.

5. Alternate forms.

6. Earliest recorded use.

7. Entry word.

8. Synonyms.

9. Respelling.


1. Usage: descriptions of the "status" of a word, usually in abbreviated form (archaic, obsolete, regional, nonstandard, slang).

  • For example, cable, network and news are used in CNN.

2. Definition: the accepted meaning of a word.

  • For example, a cell can be defined as the structural, fundamental, biological and functional unit of life.

3. Part of speech: the function of the word in a sentence. The part of speech are noun, verb, adjective, pronoun, adverb etc.

  • For example, the word "work" is a verb and can be used like this; I work for brainly.

4. Etymology: the "history" of a word, beginning with the earliest language to which it can be traced.

  • For example, uglike is a middle English language which means ugly in modern English language.

5. Alternate forms: the word as it appears in other forms, correctly spelled.

  • For example, the plural form of the word sheep is sheep.

6. Earliest recorded use: a date marking the first known appearance of the word in a written text.

7. Entry word: the word itself as it should be spelled.

  • For example, dog, cat, body, tennis, photo, phone, car, shirt etc.

8. Synonyms: words meaning the same or nearly the same thing as the entry word.

  • For example, close is the synonym for shut, beautiful is attractive, happy is joyful etc.

9. Respelling: the word as it should be pronounced.

  • For example, the word newspaper is respelled as nooz-pey-per.