Think about food advertisements and the portion sizes of foods you are served in a restaurant, fast-food place, school, or even at home. Do you think the way we perceive food in our culture supports the guidelines in MyPlate? Explain your answer.

Respuesta :




what we are served is a lot, often times we load up our plates with food, or finish entire bags of chips, eating way to much of one thing on the MyPLate and not enough of another. Especially since many dont even follow MyPlate, and eat only meats and grains, or only meats and vegetables. So no.


it's too much food that we eat ,because we never follow the MyPlant plan like said before, we eat too much of one thing and not enough of another part of the MyPlant. for example it's proven that US has the most Overweight and Obesity people in the world, because we eat too much and this is why I say no, we do not follow the guidelined in MyPlate.
