This is a joke but I mean, feel free to use these to your advantage, haha
• always = at all times
• be able to, can = have the ability to
• because = because of the fact that, for the reason that
• by = by means of
• decide on = make decisions about
• finally = in the final analysis
• for = for the purpose of
• if = in the event that
• in fact = as the matter of fact
• like = along the lines of, in the nature of
• most = the majority of
• now, currently = at the present time, at this point in time
• of, on, for, about = with reference to
• on, about = in regards to
• point out = draw to your attention, draw your attention to
• to = in order to
• the people in = the people who are located in
• twice = on two separate occasions
• until = until such time as
• when = on the occasion of