#1 The endometrium begins to thicken due to rapid cell division.
#2 The endometrium thickens due to secretion and fluid accumulation.
#3 Due to a degeneration of the corpus luteum, the lack of progesterone causes
#4 Menstrual fluid in the uterus accumulates and is discharged.
menstrual cycles is divided into two phases the follicular and luteal phases, each phase takes about 14 days to complete its cycle. At the follicular phase, the lining of the uterus
called the endometrium breaks down and shed as menstrual bleeding. After the follicular phase there is an increase in hormonal level of follicle stimulating hormone and Lutenizing hormone this leads to ovulation and the rupture and release of the egg follicle in the ovary.
luteal phase involves the formation of corpus luteum where the egg ruptures for a new cycle to start.