The consequences were not equal in magnitude to the desired behavior.
In operant conditioning, learning is achieved through the act of giving of rewards or punishment for a given and expressed behavior. it usually occurs if a learner knows the link between a behavior and its consequences.
Reinforcement can be defined as process by which the likely or probable occurrence of a desired behavior is increased by applying consequences that is based on the behavior that one is working on. Negative reinforcement entails removing a stimulus that is attached to an exhibited behavior. in this case, a behavior is enhance or increase due to the removal of the negative consequences.
The reinforcement schedule was delayed and individual preferences were not put into due consideration and the the antecedents of the desired behavior was identified in an improper manner.
When a given consequences are not equal in weight to the desired behavior one wants to change or be expressed, the result achieved may be contrary to what one is expecting as in the case of Sara