Voice recognition
Voice is much more intui.tive than typing. It can be used by disabled or people who are driving. Right now, though, there is a substantial trade off between speed and accuracy.
Data gloves/Gestures
Kinect, Leap Motion and HTC Vive Controller use gestures to help the user interact with the virtual world on screen, or in VR. It is amazing that computers can recognise common human gestu.res and translate them into the game world.
Virtual reality is one of the most talked about ways to provide input. It includes free movement using sensors on headsets and motion controllers. There is also the possibilities of six degrees of freedom, since cameras can be introduced into the environment, allowing the subject’s position within the room to be tracked as well.
Other Upcoming Inputs
Fingerprint/iris recognition : mostly used for login
Handwriting recognition : Uses ML models to recognise patterns